Educational Codeforces Round 163 (Rated for Div. 2) 发表于 2024-03-26 更新于 2024-09-03 分类于 codeforces , contest A. Special CharactersB. Array FixC. Arrow PathD. Tandem Repeats?E. Clique PartitionF. Rare CoinsG. MST with Matching 阅读全文 »
Codeforces Round 970 (Div. 3) 发表于 2024-09-03 分类于 codeforces , contest A. Sakurako's ExamB. Square or NotC. Longest Good ArrayD. Sakurako's HobbyE. Alternating StringF. Sakurako's BoxG. Sakurako's TaskH. Sakurako's Test 阅读全文 »
Toyota Programming Contest 2024#8(AtCoder Beginner Contest 365) 发表于 2024-08-25 分类于 atcoder C - Transportation ExpensesD - AtCoder Janken 3E - Xor Sigma Problem 阅读全文 »
Codeforces Round 958 (Div. 2) 发表于 2024-08-25 分类于 codeforces , contest A. Split the MultisetB. Make MajorityC. Increasing Sequence with Fixed ORD. The Omnipotent Monster Killer 阅读全文 »