Nebius Welcome Round (Div. 1 + Div. 2) 1804
A. Lame King
B. Vaccination
C. Pull Your Luck
D. Accommodation
A. Lame King
B. Vaccination
C. Pull Your Luck
D. Accommodation
A. Walking Master
B. Mex Master
C. Sequence Master
E. Tree Master
A. Garland
B. Points on Plane
C. Sum on Subarrays
D. Binary String Sorting
A. Coins
B. Long Legs
C. Search in Parallel
A. LuoTianyi and the Palindrome String
B. LuoTianyi and the Table
C. LuoTianyi and the Show
D2. LuoTianyi and the Floating Islands (Hard Version)
E. LuoTianyi and XOR-Tree
A. New Palindrome
B. Maximum Sum
C. Contrast Value
D1. Red-Blue Operations (Easy Version)
D2. Red-Blue Operations (Hard Version)
E. Combinatorics Problem
给出两个数n和m, (n,m<=1e18)